- class odoo.addons.queue_job.models.base.Base[source]¶
Bases :
The base model, which is implicitly inherited by all models.
A new
method is added on all Odoo Models, allowing to postpone the execution of a job method in an asynchronous process.- with_delay(priority=None, eta=None, max_retries=None, description=None, channel=None, identity_key=None)[source]¶
Return a
The returned instance allows to enqueue any method of the recordset’s Model.
self.env['res.users'].with_delay().write({'name': 'test'})
accepts job properties which specify how the job will be executed.Usage with job properties:
delayable = env['a.model'].with_delay(priority=30, eta=60*60*5) delayable.export_one_thing(the_thing_to_export) # => the job will be executed with a low priority and not before a # delay of 5 hours from now
- Paramètres
priority – Priority of the job, 0 being the higher priority. Default is 10.
eta – Heure estimée de lancement (ETA) du job. Il ne sera pas exécuté avant cette date/heure.
max_retries – maximum number of retries before giving up and set the job state to “failed”. A value of 0 means infinite retries. Default is 5.
description – human description of the job. If None, description is computed from the function doc or name
channel – the complete name of the channel to use to process the function. If specified it overrides the one defined on the function
identity_key – key uniquely identifying the job, if specified and a job with the same key has not yet been run, the new job will not be added. It is either a string, either a function that takes the job as argument (see
- Renvoie
instance of a DelayableRecordset
- Type renvoyé
Note for developers: if you want to run tests or simply disable jobs queueing for debugging purposes, you can:
set the env var TEST_QUEUE_JOB_NO_DELAY=1
pass a ctx key test_queue_job_no_delay=1
In tests you’ll have to mute the logger like:
- class odoo.addons.queue_job.models.queue_job.QueueJob[source]¶
Model storing the jobs to be executed.
- _name = 'queue.job'¶
the model name (in dot-notation, module namespace)
- odoo.addons.queue_job.job.job(func=None, default_channel='root', retry_pattern=None)[source]¶
Decorator for job methods.
Deprecated. Use
XML records (details inreadme/USAGE.rst
).It enables the possibility to use a Model’s method as a job function.
Optional argument:
- Paramètres
default_channel – the channel wherein the job will be assigned. This channel is set at the installation of the module and can be manually changed later using the views.
retry_pattern (dict(retry_count,retry_eta_seconds)) – The retry pattern to use for postponing a job. If a job is postponed and there is no eta specified, the eta will be determined from the dict in retry_pattern. When no retry pattern is provided, jobs will be retried after
Indicates that a method of a Model can be delayed in the Job Queue.
When a method has the
decorator, its calls can then be delayed with:recordset.with_delay(priority=10).the_method(args, **kwargs)
is the method decorated with@job
. Its arguments and keyword arguments will be kept in the Job Queue for its asynchronous execution.default_channel
indicates in which channel the job must be executedretry_pattern
is a dict where keys are the count of retries and the values are the delay to postpone a job.Exemple :
class ProductProduct(models.Model): _inherit = 'product.product' @job def export_one_thing(self, one_thing): # work # export one_thing # [...] env['a.model'].export_one_thing(the_thing_to_export) # => normal and synchronous function call env['a.model'].with_delay().export_one_thing(the_thing_to_export) # => the job will be executed as soon as possible delayable = env['a.model'].with_delay(priority=30, eta=60*60*5) delayable.export_one_thing(the_thing_to_export) # => the job will be executed with a low priority and not before a # delay of 5 hours from now @job(default_channel='root.subchannel') def export_one_thing(one_thing): # work # export one_thing @job(retry_pattern={1: 10 * 60, 5: 20 * 60, 10: 30 * 60, 15: 12 * 60 * 60}) def retryable_example(): # 5 first retries postponed 10 minutes later # retries 5 to 10 postponed 20 minutes later # retries 10 to 15 postponed 30 minutes later # all subsequent retries postponed 12 hours later raise RetryableJobError('Must be retried later') env['a.model'].with_delay().retryable_example()
Voir aussi :
une action connexe peut être attachée à un job
Attach a Related Action to a job (decorator)
Deprecated. Use
XML records (details inreadme/USAGE.rst
).Un action connexe apparaîtra comme un bouton dans la vue Odoo. Le bouton exécutera l’action, habituellement une ouverture de formulaire de l’enregistrement lié au job.
must be a method on the queue.job model.Exemple d’utilisation :
class QueueJob(models.Model): _inherit = 'queue.job' def related_action_partner(self): self.ensure_one() model = self.model_name partner = self.records # possibly get the real ID if partner_id is a binding ID action = { 'name': _("Partner"), 'type': 'ir.actions.act_window', 'res_model': model, 'view_type': 'form', 'view_mode': 'form', 'res_id': partner.id, } return action class ResPartner(models.Model): _inherit = 'res.partner' @job @related_action(action='related_action_partner') def export_partner(self): # ...
sont transmis à l’action :class QueueJob(models.Model): _inherit = 'queue.job' def related_action_product(self, extra_arg=1): assert extra_arg == 2 model = self.model_name ... class ProductProduct(models.Model): _inherit = 'product.product' @job @related_action(action='related_action_product', extra_arg=2) def export_product(self): # ...
- class odoo.addons.queue_job.job.DelayableRecordset(recordset, priority=None, eta=None, max_retries=None, description=None, channel=None, identity_key=None)[source]¶
Bases :
Allow to delay a method for a recordset
delayable = DelayableRecordset(recordset, priority=20) delayable.method(args, kwargs)
The method call will be processed asynchronously in the job queue, with the passed arguments.
This class will generally not be used directly, it is used internally by
- class odoo.addons.queue_job.job.Job(func, args=None, kwargs=None, priority=None, eta=None, job_uuid=None, max_retries=None, description=None, channel=None, identity_key=None)[source]¶
Bases :
A Job is a task to execute. It is the in-memory representation of a job.
Jobs are stored in the
Odoo Model, but they are handled through this class.- uuid¶
Id (UUID) du job.
- state¶
État du job, peut être en attente, en queue, démarré, terminé, échoué. L’état initial est en attente et l’état final est terminé.
- retry¶
L’essai actuel, démarre à 0 et s’incrémente de 1 chaque fois que le job est exécuté.
- max_retries¶
Le nombre maximum d’essais permis avant que le job soit considéré comme échoué.
- args¶
Arguments transmis à la fonction pendant l’exécution.
- kwargs¶
Arguments nommés transmis à la fonction pendant l’exécution.
- description¶
Description du job à destination des utilisateurs.
- func¶
La fonction Python elle-même.
- model_name¶
Modèle Odoo pour lequel le job va fonctionner.
- priority¶
Priorité du job, 0 étant la plus haute priorité.
- date_created¶
Date et heure de création du job.
- date_enqueued¶
Date et heure de mise en queue du job.
- date_started¶
Date et heure de démarrage du job.
- date_done¶
Date et heure d’arrêt du job.
- result¶
Une description du résultat (à destination des utilisateurs).
- exc_name¶
Exception error name when the job failed.
- exc_message¶
Exception error message when the job failed.
- user_id¶
Id de l’utilisateur Odoo qui a créé le job
- eta¶
Heure estimée de lancement (ETA) du job. Il ne sera pas exécuté avant cette date/heure.
- recordset¶
Model recordset when we are on a delayed Model method
- job_record_with_same_identity_key()[source]¶
Check if a job to be executed with the same key exists.
- classmethod enqueue(func, args=None, kwargs=None, priority=None, eta=None, max_retries=None, description=None, channel=None, identity_key=None)[source]¶
Crée un job et le met en queue. Renvoie le UUID du job.
S’attend à ce que les arguments spécifiques au job soient déjà extraites de ceux à passer à la fonction du job.
If the identity key is the same than the one in a pending job, no job is created and the existing job is returned
- property func_string¶
- property func¶
- property job_function_name¶
- property identity_key¶
- property description¶
- property uuid¶
Id du job, c’est un UUID
- property model_name¶
- property user_id¶
- property eta¶
- property channel¶
- property exec_time¶
- postpone(result=None, seconds=None)[source]¶
Postpone the job
Écrit un heure estimée de lancement dans n secondes. Utilisé quand une Exception non fatale souhaite relancer un job.