Code source de odoo.addons.queue_job.job

# Copyright 2013-2020 Camptocamp
# License LGPL-3.0 or later (

import functools
import hashlib
import inspect
import logging
import os
import sys
import uuid
from datetime import datetime, timedelta

import odoo

from .exception import FailedJobError, NoSuchJobError, RetryableJobError

PENDING = "pending"
ENQUEUED = "enqueued"
DONE = "done"
STARTED = "started"
FAILED = "failed"

    (PENDING, "Pending"),
    (ENQUEUED, "Enqueued"),
    (STARTED, "Started"),
    (DONE, "Done"),
    (FAILED, "Failed"),

DEFAULT_PRIORITY = 10  # used by the PriorityQueue to sort the jobs
RETRY_INTERVAL = 10 * 60  # seconds

_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class DelayableRecordset(object): """Allow to delay a method for a recordset Usage:: delayable = DelayableRecordset(recordset, priority=20) delayable.method(args, kwargs) The method call will be processed asynchronously in the job queue, with the passed arguments. This class will generally not be used directly, it is used internally by :meth:`~odoo.addons.queue_job.models.base.Base.with_delay` """ def __init__( self, recordset, priority=None, eta=None, max_retries=None, description=None, channel=None, identity_key=None, ): self.recordset = recordset self.priority = priority self.eta = eta self.max_retries = max_retries self.description = description = channel self.identity_key = identity_key def __getattr__(self, name): if name in self.recordset: raise AttributeError( "only methods can be delayed ({} called on {})".format( name, self.recordset ) ) recordset_method = getattr(self.recordset, name) def delay(*args, **kwargs): return Job.enqueue( recordset_method, args=args, kwargs=kwargs, priority=self.priority, max_retries=self.max_retries, eta=self.eta, description=self.description,, identity_key=self.identity_key, ) return delay def __str__(self): return "DelayableRecordset({}{})".format( self.recordset._name, getattr(self.recordset, "_ids", "") ) __repr__ = __str__
def identity_exact(job_): """Identity function using the model, method and all arguments as key When used, this identity key will have the effect that when a job should be created and a pending job with the exact same recordset and arguments, the second will not be created. It should be used with the ``identity_key`` argument: .. python:: from odoo.addons.queue_job.job import identity_exact # [...] delayable = self.with_delay(identity_key=identity_exact) delayable.export_record(force=True) Alternative identity keys can be built using the various fields of the job. For example, you could compute a hash using only some arguments of the job. .. python:: def identity_example(job_): hasher = hashlib.sha1() hasher.update(job_.model_name) hasher.update(job_.method_name) hasher.update(str(sorted(job_.recordset.ids))) hasher.update(str(job_.args[1])) hasher.update(str(job_.kwargs.get('foo', ''))) return hasher.hexdigest() Usually you will probably always want to include at least the name of the model and method. """ hasher = hashlib.sha1() hasher.update(job_.model_name.encode("utf-8")) hasher.update(job_.method_name.encode("utf-8")) hasher.update(str(sorted(job_.recordset.ids)).encode("utf-8")) hasher.update(str(job_.args).encode("utf-8")) hasher.update(str(sorted(job_.kwargs.items())).encode("utf-8")) return hasher.hexdigest()
[docs]class Job(object): """A Job is a task to execute. It is the in-memory representation of a job. Jobs are stored in the ``queue.job`` Odoo Model, but they are handled through this class. .. attribute:: uuid Id (UUID) of the job. .. attribute:: state State of the job, can pending, enqueued, started, done or failed. The start state is pending and the final state is done. .. attribute:: retry The current try, starts at 0 and each time the job is executed, it increases by 1. .. attribute:: max_retries The maximum number of retries allowed before the job is considered as failed. .. attribute:: args Arguments passed to the function when executed. .. attribute:: kwargs Keyword arguments passed to the function when executed. .. attribute:: description Human description of the job. .. attribute:: func The python function itself. .. attribute:: model_name Odoo model on which the job will run. .. attribute:: priority Priority of the job, 0 being the higher priority. .. attribute:: date_created Date and time when the job was created. .. attribute:: date_enqueued Date and time when the job was enqueued. .. attribute:: date_started Date and time when the job was started. .. attribute:: date_done Date and time when the job was done. .. attribute:: result A description of the result (for humans). .. attribute:: exc_name Exception error name when the job failed. .. attribute:: exc_message Exception error message when the job failed. .. attribute:: exc_info Exception information (traceback) when the job failed. .. attribute:: user_id Odoo user id which created the job .. attribute:: eta Estimated Time of Arrival of the job. It will not be executed before this date/time. .. attribute:: recordset Model recordset when we are on a delayed Model method .. attribute::channel The complete name of the channel to use to process the job. If provided it overrides the one defined on the job's function. .. attribute::identity_key A key referencing the job, multiple job with the same key will not be added to a channel if the existing job with the same key is not yet started or executed. """
[docs] @classmethod def load(cls, env, job_uuid): """Read a job from the Database""" stored = cls.db_record_from_uuid(env, job_uuid) if not stored: raise NoSuchJobError( "Job %s does no longer exist in the storage." % job_uuid ) return cls._load_from_db_record(stored)
@classmethod def _load_from_db_record(cls, job_db_record): stored = job_db_record args = stored.args kwargs = stored.kwargs method_name = stored.method_name recordset = stored.records method = getattr(recordset, method_name) eta = None if stored.eta: eta = stored.eta job_ = cls( method, args=args, kwargs=kwargs, priority=stored.priority, eta=eta, job_uuid=stored.uuid,,, identity_key=stored.identity_key, ) if stored.date_created: job_.date_created = stored.date_created if stored.date_enqueued: job_.date_enqueued = stored.date_enqueued if stored.date_started: job_.date_started = stored.date_started if stored.date_done: job_.date_done = stored.date_done job_.state = stored.state job_.result = stored.result if stored.result else None job_.exc_info = stored.exc_info if stored.exc_info else None job_.retry = stored.retry job_.max_retries = stored.max_retries if stored.company_id: job_.company_id = job_.identity_key = stored.identity_key job_.worker_pid = stored.worker_pid return job_
[docs] def job_record_with_same_identity_key(self): """Check if a job to be executed with the same key exists.""" existing = ( self.env["queue.job"] .sudo() .search( [ ("identity_key", "=", self.identity_key), ("state", "in", [PENDING, ENQUEUED]), ], limit=1, ) ) return existing
[docs] @classmethod def enqueue( cls, func, args=None, kwargs=None, priority=None, eta=None, max_retries=None, description=None, channel=None, identity_key=None, ): """Create a Job and enqueue it in the queue. Return the job uuid. This expects the arguments specific to the job to be already extracted from the ones to pass to the job function. If the identity key is the same than the one in a pending job, no job is created and the existing job is returned """ new_job = cls( func=func, args=args, kwargs=kwargs, priority=priority, eta=eta, max_retries=max_retries, description=description, channel=channel, identity_key=identity_key, ) if new_job.identity_key: existing = new_job.job_record_with_same_identity_key() if existing: _logger.debug( "a job has not been enqueued due to having " "the same identity key (%s) than job %s", new_job.identity_key, existing.uuid, ) return Job._load_from_db_record(existing) _logger.debug( "enqueued %s:%s(*%r, **%r) with uuid: %s", new_job.recordset, new_job.method_name, new_job.args, new_job.kwargs, new_job.uuid, ) return new_job
[docs] @staticmethod def db_record_from_uuid(env, job_uuid): model = env["queue.job"].sudo() record =[("uuid", "=", job_uuid)], limit=1) return record.with_env(env).sudo()
def __init__( self, func, args=None, kwargs=None, priority=None, eta=None, job_uuid=None, max_retries=None, description=None, channel=None, identity_key=None, ): """ Create a Job :param func: function to execute :type func: function :param args: arguments for func :type args: tuple :param kwargs: keyworkd arguments for func :type kwargs: dict :param priority: priority of the job, the smaller is the higher priority :type priority: int :param eta: the job can be executed only after this datetime (or now + timedelta) :type eta: datetime or timedelta :param job_uuid: UUID of the job :param max_retries: maximum number of retries before giving up and set the job state to 'failed'. A value of 0 means infinite retries. :param description: human description of the job. If None, description is computed from the function doc or name :param channel: The complete channel name to use to process the job. :param identity_key: A hash to uniquely identify a job, or a function that returns this hash (the function takes the job as argument) """ if args is None: args = () if isinstance(args, list): args = tuple(args) assert isinstance(args, tuple), "%s: args are not a tuple" % args if kwargs is None: kwargs = {} assert isinstance(kwargs, dict), "%s: kwargs are not a dict" % kwargs if not _is_model_method(func): raise TypeError("Job accepts only methods of Models") recordset = func.__self__ env = recordset.env self.method_name = func.__name__ self.recordset = recordset self.env = env self.job_model = self.env["queue.job"] self.job_model_name = "queue.job" self.job_config = ( self.env["queue.job.function"].sudo().job_config(self.job_function_name) ) self.state = PENDING self.retry = 0 if max_retries is None: self.max_retries = DEFAULT_MAX_RETRIES else: self.max_retries = max_retries self._uuid = job_uuid self.args = args self.kwargs = kwargs self.priority = priority if self.priority is None: self.priority = DEFAULT_PRIORITY self.date_created = self._description = description if isinstance(identity_key, str): self._identity_key = identity_key self._identity_key_func = None else: # we'll compute the key on the fly when called # from the function self._identity_key = None self._identity_key_func = identity_key self.date_enqueued = None self.date_started = None self.date_done = None self.result = None self.exc_name = None self.exc_message = None self.exc_info = None if "company_id" in env.context: company_id = env.context["company_id"] else: company_id = self.company_id = company_id self._eta = None self.eta = eta = channel self.worker_pid = None
[docs] def perform(self): """Execute the job. The job is executed with the user which has initiated it. """ self.retry += 1 try: self.result = self.func(*tuple(self.args), **self.kwargs) except RetryableJobError as err: if err.ignore_retry: self.retry -= 1 raise elif not self.max_retries: # infinite retries raise elif self.retry >= self.max_retries: type_, value, traceback = sys.exc_info() # change the exception type but keep the original # traceback and message: # new_exc = FailedJobError( "Max. retries (%d) reached: %s" % (self.max_retries, value or type_) ) raise new_exc from err raise return self.result
[docs] def store(self): """Store the Job""" job_model = self.env["queue.job"] # The sentinel is used to prevent edition sensitive fields (such as # method_name) from RPC methods. edit_sentinel = job_model.EDIT_SENTINEL db_record = self.db_record() if db_record: db_record.with_context(_job_edit_sentinel=edit_sentinel).write( self._store_values() ) else: job_model.with_context(_job_edit_sentinel=edit_sentinel).sudo().create( self._store_values(create=True) )
def _store_values(self, create=False): vals = { "state": self.state, "priority": self.priority, "retry": self.retry, "max_retries": self.max_retries, "exc_name": self.exc_name, "exc_message": self.exc_message, "exc_info": self.exc_info, "company_id": self.company_id, "result": str(self.result) if self.result else False, "date_enqueued": False, "date_started": False, "date_done": False, "exec_time": False, "eta": False, "identity_key": False, "worker_pid": self.worker_pid, } if self.date_enqueued: vals["date_enqueued"] = self.date_enqueued if self.date_started: vals["date_started"] = self.date_started if self.date_done: vals["date_done"] = self.date_done if self.exec_time: vals["exec_time"] = self.exec_time if self.eta: vals["eta"] = self.eta if self.identity_key: vals["identity_key"] = self.identity_key if create: vals.update( { "user_id": self.env.uid, "channel":, # The following values must never be modified after the # creation of the job "uuid": self.uuid, "name": self.description, "func_string": self.func_string, "date_created": self.date_created, "model_name": self.recordset._name, "method_name": self.method_name, "job_function_id": self.job_config.job_function_id, "channel_method_name": self.job_function_name, "records": self.recordset, "args": self.args, "kwargs": self.kwargs, } ) vals_from_model = self._store_values_from_model() # Sanitize values: make sure you cannot screw core values vals_from_model = {k: v for k, v in vals_from_model.items() if k not in vals} vals.update(vals_from_model) return vals def _store_values_from_model(self): vals = {} value_handlers_candidates = ( "_job_store_values_for_" + self.method_name, "_job_store_values", ) for candidate in value_handlers_candidates: handler = getattr(self.recordset, candidate, None) if handler is not None: vals = handler(self) return vals @property def func_string(self): model = repr(self.recordset) args = [repr(arg) for arg in self.args] kwargs = ["{}={!r}".format(key, val) for key, val in self.kwargs.items()] all_args = ", ".join(args + kwargs) return "{}.{}({})".format(model, self.method_name, all_args)
[docs] def db_record(self): return self.db_record_from_uuid(self.env, self.uuid)
@property def func(self): recordset = self.recordset.with_context(job_uuid=self.uuid) return getattr(recordset, self.method_name) @property def job_function_name(self): func_model = self.env["queue.job.function"].sudo() return func_model.job_function_name(self.recordset._name, self.method_name) @property def identity_key(self): if self._identity_key is None: if self._identity_key_func: self._identity_key = self._identity_key_func(self) return self._identity_key @identity_key.setter def identity_key(self, value): if isinstance(value, str): self._identity_key = value self._identity_key_func = None else: # we'll compute the key on the fly when called # from the function self._identity_key = None self._identity_key_func = value @property def description(self): if self._description: return self._description elif self.func.__doc__: return self.func.__doc__.splitlines()[0].strip() else: return "{}.{}".format(self.model_name, self.func.__name__) @property def uuid(self): """Job ID, this is an UUID """ if self._uuid is None: self._uuid = str(uuid.uuid4()) return self._uuid @property def model_name(self): return self.recordset._name @property def user_id(self): return self.recordset.env.uid @property def eta(self): return self._eta @eta.setter def eta(self, value): if not value: self._eta = None elif isinstance(value, timedelta): self._eta = + value elif isinstance(value, int): self._eta = + timedelta(seconds=value) else: self._eta = value @property def channel(self): return self._channel or @channel.setter def channel(self, value): self._channel = value @property def exec_time(self): if self.date_done and self.date_started: return (self.date_done - self.date_started).total_seconds() return None
[docs] def set_pending(self, result=None, reset_retry=True): self.state = PENDING self.date_enqueued = None self.date_started = None self.date_done = None self.worker_pid = None if reset_retry: self.retry = 0 if result is not None: self.result = result
[docs] def set_enqueued(self): self.state = ENQUEUED self.date_enqueued = self.date_started = None self.worker_pid = None
[docs] def set_started(self): self.state = STARTED self.date_started = self.worker_pid = os.getpid()
[docs] def set_done(self, result=None): self.state = DONE self.exc_name = None self.exc_info = None self.date_done = if result is not None: self.result = result
[docs] def set_failed(self, **kw): self.state = FAILED for k, v in kw.items(): if v is not None: setattr(self, k, v)
def __repr__(self): return "<Job %s, priority:%d>" % (self.uuid, self.priority) def _get_retry_seconds(self, seconds=None): retry_pattern = self.job_config.retry_pattern if not retry_pattern: # TODO deprecated by :job-no-decorator: retry_pattern = getattr(self.func, "retry_pattern", None) if not seconds and retry_pattern: # ordered from higher to lower count of retries patt = sorted(retry_pattern.items(), key=lambda t: t[0]) seconds = RETRY_INTERVAL for retry_count, postpone_seconds in patt: if self.retry >= retry_count: seconds = postpone_seconds else: break elif not seconds: seconds = RETRY_INTERVAL return seconds
[docs] def postpone(self, result=None, seconds=None): """Postpone the job Write an estimated time arrival to n seconds later than now. Used when an retryable exception want to retry a job later. """ eta_seconds = self._get_retry_seconds(seconds) self.eta = timedelta(seconds=eta_seconds) self.exc_name = None self.exc_info = None if result is not None: self.result = result
[docs] def related_action(self): record = self.db_record() if not self.job_config.related_action_enable: return None funcname = self.job_config.related_action_func_name if not funcname and hasattr(self.func, "related_action"): # TODO deprecated by :job-no-decorator: funcname = self.func.related_action # decorator is set but empty: disable the default one if not funcname: return None if not funcname: funcname = record._default_related_action if not isinstance(funcname, str): raise ValueError( "related_action must be the name of the " "method on queue.job as string" ) action = getattr(record, funcname) action_kwargs = self.job_config.related_action_kwargs if not action_kwargs: # TODO deprecated by :job-no-decorator: action_kwargs = getattr(self.func, "kwargs", {}) return action(**action_kwargs)
def _is_model_method(func): return inspect.ismethod(func) and isinstance( func.__self__.__class__, odoo.models.MetaModel ) # TODO deprecated by :job-no-decorator:
[docs]def job(func=None, default_channel="root", retry_pattern=None): """Decorator for job methods. Deprecated. Use ``queue.job.function`` XML records (details in ``readme/USAGE.rst``). It enables the possibility to use a Model's method as a job function. Optional argument: :param default_channel: the channel wherein the job will be assigned. This channel is set at the installation of the module and can be manually changed later using the views. :param retry_pattern: The retry pattern to use for postponing a job. If a job is postponed and there is no eta specified, the eta will be determined from the dict in retry_pattern. When no retry pattern is provided, jobs will be retried after :const:`RETRY_INTERVAL` seconds. :type retry_pattern: dict(retry_count,retry_eta_seconds) Indicates that a method of a Model can be delayed in the Job Queue. When a method has the ``@job`` decorator, its calls can then be delayed with:: recordset.with_delay(priority=10).the_method(args, **kwargs) Where ``the_method`` is the method decorated with ``@job``. Its arguments and keyword arguments will be kept in the Job Queue for its asynchronous execution. ``default_channel`` indicates in which channel the job must be executed ``retry_pattern`` is a dict where keys are the count of retries and the values are the delay to postpone a job. Example: .. code-block:: python class ProductProduct(models.Model): _inherit = 'product.product' @job def export_one_thing(self, one_thing): # work # export one_thing # [...] env['a.model'].export_one_thing(the_thing_to_export) # => normal and synchronous function call env['a.model'].with_delay().export_one_thing(the_thing_to_export) # => the job will be executed as soon as possible delayable = env['a.model'].with_delay(priority=30, eta=60*60*5) delayable.export_one_thing(the_thing_to_export) # => the job will be executed with a low priority and not before a # delay of 5 hours from now @job(default_channel='root.subchannel') def export_one_thing(one_thing): # work # export one_thing @job(retry_pattern={1: 10 * 60, 5: 20 * 60, 10: 30 * 60, 15: 12 * 60 * 60}) def retryable_example(): # 5 first retries postponed 10 minutes later # retries 5 to 10 postponed 20 minutes later # retries 10 to 15 postponed 30 minutes later # all subsequent retries postponed 12 hours later raise RetryableJobError('Must be retried later') env['a.model'].with_delay().retryable_example() See also: :py:func:`related_action` a related action can be attached to a job """ if func is None: return functools.partial( job, default_channel=default_channel, retry_pattern=retry_pattern ) xml_fields = [ ' <field name="model_id" ref="[insert model xmlid]" />\n' ' <field name="method">_test_job</field>\n' ] if default_channel: xml_fields.append(' <field name="channel_id" ref="[insert channel xmlid]"/>') if retry_pattern: xml_fields.append(' <field name="retry_pattern">{retry_pattern}</field>') "@job is deprecated and no longer needed (on %s), it is advised to use an " "XML record (activate DEBUG log for snippet)", func.__name__, ) if _logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG): xml_record = ( '<record id="job_function_[insert model]_{method}"' ' model="queue.job.function">\n' + "\n".join(xml_fields) + "\n</record>" ).format(**{"method": func.__name__, "retry_pattern": retry_pattern}) _logger.debug( "XML snippet (to complete) for replacing @job on %s:\n%s", func.__name__, xml_record, ) def delay_from_model(*args, **kwargs): raise AttributeError( "method.delay() can no longer be used, the general form is " "env['res.users'].with_delay().method()" ) assert default_channel == "root" or default_channel.startswith( "root." ), "The channel path must start by 'root'" assert retry_pattern is None or isinstance( retry_pattern, dict ), "retry_pattern must be a dict" delay_func = delay_from_model func.delayable = True func.delay = delay_func func.retry_pattern = retry_pattern func.default_channel = default_channel return func
# TODO deprecated by :job-no-decorator: