Survol du code

Some simple code examples.

Trigger and listen an event

class AccountInvoice(models.Model):
    _inherit = 'account.invoice'

    def action_invoice_paid(self):
        res = super(AccountInvoice, self).action_invoice_paid()
        for record in self:
        return res
from odoo.addons.component.core import Component

class MyEventListener(Component):
    _name = 'my.event.listener'
    _inherit = 'base.event.listener'

    def on_invoice_paid(self, record):'invoice %s has been paid!',

Ref: Events

Delay an Asynchronous Job

from odoo.addons.queue_job.job import job

class AccountInvoice(models.Model):
    _inherit = 'account.invoice'

    def export_payment(self):
        self.ensure_one()"I'm exporting the payment for %s",

    def action_invoice_paid(self):
        res = super(AccountInvoice, self).action_invoice_paid()
        for record in self:
        return res

Ref: Queue

Work with components

This is a highly simplified version of a micro-connector, without using events or jobs, for the sake of the example.

from odoo.addons.component.core import AbstractComponent

class MagentoBackend(models.Model):
    _name = 'magento.backend'
    _description = 'Magento Backend'
    _inherit = 'connector.backend'

    location = fields.Char(string='Location', required=True)
    username = fields.Char(string='Username')
    password = fields.Char(string='Password')

    def import_partner(self, external_id):
        with self.work_on(model_name='magento.res.partner') as work:
            importer = work.component(usage='record.importer')
            # returns an instance of PartnerImporter, which has been
            # found with:the collection name (magento.backend, the model,
            # and the usage).

# the next 2 components are abstract and are used by inheritance
# by the others
class BaseMagentoConnectorComponent(AbstractComponent):
    # same inheritance than Odoo models
    _name = 'base.magento.connector'
    _inherit = 'base.connector'
    # subscribe to:
    _collection = 'magento.backend'
    # the collection will be inherited to the components below,
    # because they inherit from this component

class GenericAdapter(AbstractComponent):
    # same inheritance than Odoo models
    _name = 'magento.adapter'
    _inherit = ['base.backend.adapter', 'base.magento.connector']
    # usage is used for lookups of components
    _usage = 'backend.adapter'

    _magento_model = None

    def _call(self, *args, **kwargs):
        location = self.backend_record.location
        # use client API

    def read(self, fields=None):
        """ Search records according to some criterias
        and returns a list of ids

        :rtype: list
        return self._call('' % self._magento_model, fields)

# these are the components we need for our synchronization
class PartnerAdapter(Component):
    _name = 'magento.partner.adapter'
    _inherit = 'magento.adapter'
    _apply_on = ['magento.res.partner']
    _magento_model = 'customer'

class PartnerMapper(Component):
    _name = 'magento.partner.import.mapper'
    _inherit = 'magento.import.mapper'  # parent component omitted for brevity
    _apply_on = ['magento.res.partner']
    _usage = 'import.mapper'

class PartnerBinder(Component):
    _name = 'magento.partner.binder'
    _inherit = 'magento.binder'  # parent component omitted for brevity
    _apply_on = ['magento.res.partner']
    _usage = 'binder'

class PartnerImporter(Component):
    _name = 'magento.partner.importer'
    _inherit = 'magento.importer'  # parent component omitted for brevity
    _apply_on = ['magento.res.partner']
    _usage = 'record.importer'

    def run(self, external_id):
        # get the components we need for the sync

        # this one knows how to speak to magento
        backend_adapter = self.component(usage='backend.adapter')
        # this one knows how to convert magento data to odoo data
        mapper = self.component(usage='import.mapper')
        # this one knows how to link magento/odoo records
        binder = self.component(usage='binder')

        # read external data from magento
        external_data =
        # convert to odoo data
        internal_data = mapper.map_record(external_data).values()
        # find if the magento id already exists in odoo
        binding = binder.to_internal(external_id)
        if binding:
            # if yes, we update it
            # or we create it
            binding = self.model.create(internal_data)
        # finally, we bind both, so the next time we import
        # the record, we'll update the same record instead of
        # creating a new one
        binder.bind(external_id, binding)

Ref: Components