Source code for odoo.addons.queue_job.models.base

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2016 Camptocamp
# License LGPL-3.0 or later (

import inspect
import logging
import os

from odoo import models, api
from ..job import DelayableRecordset

_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class Base(models.AbstractModel): """ The base model, which is implicitly inherited by all models. """ _inherit = 'base' @api.model_cr def _register_hook(self): """ register marked jobs """ super(Base, self)._register_hook() job_methods = [ method for __, method in inspect.getmembers(self.__class__, predicate=inspect.ismethod) if getattr(method, 'delayable', None) ] for job_method in job_methods: self.env['queue.job.function']._register_job(job_method) # add_to_job_registry(job_methods)
[docs] @api.multi def with_delay(self, priority=None, eta=None, max_retries=None, description=None, channel=None, identity_key=None): """ Return a ``DelayableRecordset`` The returned instance allow to enqueue any method of the recordset's Model which is decorated by :func:`~odoo.addons.queue_job.job.job`. Usage:: self.env['res.users'].with_delay().write({'name': 'test'}) In the line above, in so far ``write`` is allowed to be delayed with ``@job``, the write will be executed in an asynchronous job. :param priority: Priority of the job, 0 being the higher priority. Default is 10. :param eta: Estimated Time of Arrival of the job. It will not be executed before this date/time. :param max_retries: maximum number of retries before giving up and set the job state to 'failed'. A value of 0 means infinite retries. Default is 5. :param description: human description of the job. If None, description is computed from the function doc or name :param channel: the complete name of the channel to use to process the function. If specified it overrides the one defined on the function :param identity_key: key uniquely identifying the job, if specified and a job with the same key has not yet been run, the new job will not be added. :return: instance of a DelayableRecordset :rtype: :class:`odoo.addons.queue_job.job.DelayableRecordset` Note for developers: if you want to run tests or simply disable jobs queueing for debugging purposes, you can: a. set the env var `TEST_QUEUE_JOB_NO_DELAY=1` b. pass a ctx key `test_queue_job_no_delay=1` In tests you'll have to mute the logger like: @mute_logger('odoo.addons.queue_job.models.base') """ if os.getenv('TEST_QUEUE_JOB_NO_DELAY'): _logger.warn( '`TEST_QUEUE_JOB_NO_DELAY` env var found. NO JOB scheduled.' ) return self if self.env.context.get('test_queue_job_no_delay'): _logger.warn( '`test_queue_job_no_delay` ctx key found. NO JOB scheduled.' ) return self return DelayableRecordset(self, priority=priority, eta=eta, max_retries=max_retries, description=description, channel=channel, identity_key=identity_key)