
Backend Model

class connector.backend_model.ConnectorBackend(pool, cr)[source]

Bases: odoo.models.BaseModel

An instance of an external backend to synchronize with.

The backends have to _inherit this model in the connectors modules.

The components articulates around a collection, which in the context of the connectors is called a Backend.

It must be defined as a Model that inherits from 'connector.backend'.

Example with the Magento Connector:

# in magentoerpconnect/

class MagentoBackend(models.Model):
    _name = 'magento.backend'
    _description = 'Magento Backend'
    _inherit = 'connector.backend'

    # the version in not mandatory
    def _select_versions(self):
        """ Available versions

        Can be inherited to add custom versions.
        return [('1.7', 'Magento 1.7')]

    version = fields.Selection(
    location = fields.Char(string='Location', required=True)
    username = fields.Char(string='Username')
    password = fields.Char(string='Password')

Basic string field, can be length-limited, usually displayed as a single-line string in clients.

  • size (int) – the maximum size of values stored for that field
  • translate – enable the translation of the field’s values; use translate=True to translate field values as a whole; translate may also be a callable such that translate(callback, value) translates value by using callback(term) to retrieve the translation of terms.
  • selection – specifies the possible values for this field. It is given as either a list of pairs (value, string), or a model method, or a method name.
  • selection_add – provides an extension of the selection in the case of an overridden field. It is a list of pairs (value, string).

The attribute selection is mandatory except in the case of related fields or field extensions.


For a record of backend, returns the appropriate instance of Backend.

Is part of the ConnectorUnit API.

Deprecated, due to removal in Odoo 11.0.

Binding Model

class connector.backend_model.ExternalBinding(pool, cr)[source]

Bases: odoo.models.BaseModel

An abstract model for bindings to external records.

An external binding is a binding between a backend and Odoo. For example, for a partner, it could be magento.res.partner or for a product, magento.product.

The final model, will be an _inherits of the Odoo model and will _inherit this model.

It will have a relation to the record (via _inherits) and to the concrete backend model (magento.backend for instance).

It will also contains all the data relative to the backend for the record.

It needs to implements at least these fields:

The many2one to the record it links (used by _inherits).
The many2one to the backend (for instance magento.backend).
The ID on the backend.
Last date of synchronization

The definition of the field relations is to be done in the concrete classes because the relations themselves do not exist in this addon.

For example, for a res.partner.category from Magento, I would have (this is a consolidation of all the columns from the abstract models, in magentoerpconnect you would not find that):

class MagentoResPartnerCategory(models.Model):
    _name = 'magento.res.partner.category'

    _inherits = {'res.partner.category': 'odoo_id'}

    odoo_id = fields.Many2one(comodel_name='res.partner.category',
                              string='Partner Category',
    backend_id = fields.Many2one(
        string='Magento Backend',
    external_id = fields.Char(string='ID on Magento')
    tax_class_id = fields.Integer(string='Tax Class ID')

    _sql_constraints = [
        ('magento_uniq', 'unique(backend_id, magento_id)',
         'Partner Tag with same ID on Magento already exists.'),