Source code for connector.components.core

# Copyright 2017 Camptocamp SA
# License LGPL-3.0 or later (


Base Component

The connector proposes a 'base' Component, which can be used in
the ``_inherit`` of your own components.  This is not a
requirement.  It is already inherited by every component
provided by the Connector.

Components are organized according to different usages.  The connector suggests
5 main kinds of Components. Each might have a few different usages.  You can be
as creative as you want when it comes to creating new ones though.

One "usage" is responsible for a specific work, and alongside with the
collection (the backend) and the model, the usage will be used to find the
needed component for a task.

Some of the Components have an implementation in the ``Connector`` addon, but
some are empty shells that need to be implemented in the different connectors.

The usual categories are:

  The ``binders`` give the external ID or Odoo ID from respectively an
  Odoo ID or an external ID. A default implementation is available.

  Most common usages:

  * ``binder``

  The ``mappers`` transform a external record into an Odoo record or

  Most common usages:

  * ``import.mapper``
  * ``export.mapper``

  The ``backend.adapters`` implements the discussion with the ``backend's``
  APIs. They usually adapt their APIs to a common interface (CRUD).

  Most common usages:

  * ``backend.adapter``

  A ``synchronizer`` is the main piece of a synchronization.  It
  orchestrates the flow of a synchronization and use the other

  Most common usages:

  * ``record.importer``
  * ``record.exporter``
  * ``batch.importer``
  * ``batch.exporter``

The possibilities for components do not stop there, look at the
:class:`` for an example of
single-purpose, decoupled component.


from odoo.addons.component.core import AbstractComponent
from odoo.addons.queue_job.exception import RetryableJobError
from ..database import pg_try_advisory_lock

[docs]class BaseConnectorComponent(AbstractComponent): """ Base component for the connector Is inherited by every components of the Connector (Binder, Mapper, ...) and adds a few methods which are of common usage in the connectors. """ _name = 'base.connector' @property def backend_record(self): """ Backend record we are working with """ # backward compatibility return
[docs] def binder_for(self, model=None): """ Shortcut to get Binder for a model Equivalent to: ``self.component(usage='binder', model_name='xxx')`` """ return self.component(usage='binder', model_name=model)
[docs] def advisory_lock_or_retry(self, lock, retry_seconds=1): """ Acquire a Postgres transactional advisory lock or retry job When the lock cannot be acquired, it raises a :exc:`odoo.addons.queue_job.exception.RetryableJobError` so the job is retried after n ``retry_seconds``. Usage example: .. code-block:: python lock_name = 'import_record({}, {}, {}, {})'.format( self.backend_record._name,, self.model._name, self.external_id, ) self.advisory_lock_or_retry(lock_name, retry_seconds=2) See :func:`odoo.addons.connector.connector.pg_try_advisory_lock` for details. :param lock: The lock name. Can be anything convertible to a string. It needs to represent what should not be synchronized concurrently, usually the string will contain at least: the action, the backend name, the backend id, the model name, the external id :param retry_seconds: number of seconds after which a job should be retried when the lock cannot be acquired. """ if not pg_try_advisory_lock(self.env, lock): raise RetryableJobError('Could not acquire advisory lock', seconds=retry_seconds, ignore_retry=True)